The work of Professor Hansen-Schirra's group is characterized by an interdisciplinary spirit. The group has published numerous articles and books on a wide range of issues such as corpus-based translation studies, translation process research, translation competence research, translation didactics, computer-aided translation. Several large-scale, third-party funded research projects enable the research group to interface between translation studies, psycholinguistics, and computational processing.
In 2014, Silvia Hansen-Schirra was awarded a fellowship of the Gutenberg Research College (GRC) at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz. Within this fellowship, she has set up the TRA&CO Center, a neurolinguistic laboratory, at her faculty in order to consolidate the methodological repertoire of her research group concerning cognitive instruments. This is especially remarkable since there are only a handful of translation schools worldwide which have equipment like eye tracking and EEG. To gain insight please refer to the GRC video.
Silvia Hansen-Schirra is also co-editor of the open access book series Translation and Multilingual Natural Language Processing.
TRA&CO: Translation & Cognition (GFK)
EGPS: European Graduate Placement Scheme (EU Lifelong Learning)
MULTILEX: Multilingual Lexicon Extraction from Comparable Corpora (EU Marie Curie)
Wiwikom: Modellierung und Messung wirtschaftswissenschaftlicher Fachkompetenz (BmBF)
Understanding Science: Cognitive and linguistic studies on the optimization of knowledge representation and knowledge transfer in popular science writing (VW-Stiftung)
Innovative methods in translation and language teaching (GLK)
Croco Corpus (DFG)
Tiger Treebank (DFG)
MULI – Multilinguale Informationsstruktur (SaarUni)